Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated.
Sorry I intimidate you but, I understand your reason. I'm your daddy since I gave it to your mommy. It's not like you were planned. I swear on your life I was seduced. That was also the reason we sold you on the black market.
Now seariously this is what I truely have to say to to the following people list in order from weak to fairy (fairy being the worst).
Stop, drop and roll - you were DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO!
Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought
1. Snuggles--- destroyed my ship with mines so I have to do the same sorry.
2. Deaths_Hand---- saying u were gonna molest my ship so now I must molest yours.
3. Valience----- Because your a he/she and Flints bf.
4. Nathaniel Flint---Don't know just don't like you.
5. Kyuubi----Because you jumped in on a fair fight like the crabs you got from your grandma.